Yesterday I had a very busy day. It started after a horrible Friday with awful headache, the whole day spent in bed, a bit of a sleep each time, horrible evening and worse night (when I couldn't sleep just heard the terrible wind outside). So I got up on Saturday with much better 'conditions'. I went to the supermarket for lots of ingredients as my friend, T. had his 30th birthday on Thursday and we decided to make him a surprise party this weekend. (The boys had a football match together and then a friend organised a 'rubber-sumo' party for T. We all had a mini sumo match with him. Then we went to a restaurant, ate a lot and finally we went to another friends' house to have a glass of wine, water, tea or juice and talked for hours. I think it was a lovely night and I hope T agrees.)
I was responsible for the cake. T. is a funny guy interested in astronomy, space and strange things like that. I decided to make him 5 small cakes. I couldn't decide if UFOs or planets would be better so I started to make UFOs with caramel rounds around. I called his younger brother and found out he loved coconut cream cakes. I was not sure if everyone liked it too, so I made 2 coconuts and 3 chocolate cakes.
I started to make them in the morning and I was in a big hurry at the end, so I didn't have time to make good photos about them. The only one I have was made on the party. I put it here and I hope the friends will post me better ones later, so then i can edit this post and add some more.
The chocolate cream is my mum's recipe, I love her cakes so it seemed a good choice. The coconut cream was in a good recipe book which I got from my B years ago on a birthday. It had not enough coconut in it I thought so I put 3 times as much as it was written. Luckily everyone liked it :D (Ah, yes and I put some extra vanilla paste in it. Shhhhhh!) The caramel rounds caused lots of problems at the end. And they all broke on the way :(, but friend were so nice to eat them happily.
Finally here is the only photo I mentioned:
5 weeks ago
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