And my Christmas presents.... I got lost of wonderful and beautiful things....Angels were very kind this year (too), I do not know if I were this good...hmm.... I do not think so....I am sure my best friend talked to the angels before shopping, so they could buy these things for me... (or make or wrap?)
So these are Tilda's fabrics (I have never seen them, only in books) and one with snowmen, the new Tilda book,
some 'Tilda Basics' (I didn't know there were available things like those)
and some Tilda ribbons... (They were used in the last book...)
I am still so happy when I look at them!
Nem semmi, én is sasoltam a boltban ezeket... Nézegesd helyettem is, drága!
Viszont nekem is hozott 5 (Öt), kül. könyvet a jézi, ebből három tildás. :))) Már varrtam is belőle tegnap. Jó volt!!!!
Most az van lent a betűknél, hogy filym... hehehe!
mit varrtál évi?
hát igen, pjulcsy, én is mázlistának érzem magam :D
Kedves! Újra mázlistának érezheted magad, ha átnézel hozzám:-DDDDDD
Ok, megyek :D
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