..... I wanted to say, nearly February.... I know I was a bit late but I was very busy with birthdays..... Lots of birthdays in March.... Actually the most important birthday - or let's say the most exciting was in connection with this project.
My colleagues' new born baby..... I have decided to make this baby quilt for him for his very first birthday.... He was said to be born last Thursday but luckily he was a bit late so I could finish this quilt on time. (on Saturday)
The first idea was a country quilt with farm animals... (As a teacher I wanted to make something teachable :D :D) But I couldn't draw the mouse and my B decided to look for pics on the Net. I have found the 'mouse on Mars', I drew it and then a Hungarian character, Frakk the dog came. So I changed the original plan (in January) and I used the figures of the tales from our childhood (I mean our childhood with the young parents).
I wanted to use the tale equivalent of the farm animals, but as you can see I couldn't (I had so many ideas)... Tiger is the favourite of the young father, Tom is his name too and he likes bears....
I used flanel for the backing and thick vlies inside. The quilt is applique but I machine embroidered Tiger's stripes. I quilted some of the background (free machine quilting) like the tree, stones, clouds etc.
Then on the blue stripes I quilted with blue thread. I am really proud of it! I think it is 85x105 cm, but I am not sure as I forgot to measure it! (I think I will have to ask them to measure it for me later...)
As you know I do not make quilts (very rarely only) so I am really proud of this one. He liked it, I hope she and the little one will, too.
Az volt az első,ami a képet nézve beugrott,hogy gyerekkorunk meséi. Nem baj, ha a következő generáció már a kiságyban kap egy kis történelmi ízelitőt :).Jópofa lett,gratula.
Allati jo!!!!! buszke is lehetesz ra, mert nagyon precizek kepek!
Ezt nem hiszem el! Képes voltál egyenként applikálni, hímezni! Gyönyörű, le a kalappal, és VUK is van :-)
Mit szólt az apuka?
Lehetsz is büszke!! De hogy nem vagy teljesen száz, az is tuti!! :) Nekem a kockás fülű a kedvencem.. ha azt varrtad volna meg egyedül nagyobban, és a klassz kis felhőkkel meg a ződdel körbetűzöd, szeged, már az is übercsúcs lett volna... :))
I love your quilt it's fantastic!
I'm sure the little man it is for will treasure it for ever and you will always be his special friend.
All you work is beautiful!
We are doing well and I will send some more magazines soon.
Love always your Aussie friend
Geniene XXX
Hát gratulálok!!!!!!!!!
Szenzációs, és nagyon szép! Büszke vagyok RÁD nagyon, nem csak ezért, hanem azért is, ami nekem van tőled. Az éN ROKONOM vagy, nem véletlen.
pusszzz F/ka/
Ahama, igen, remélem, hogy ő is megismeri a figurákat és talán meg is szereti :D
Amaranta, apuka örült, azóta vagy 6szoer elmondta, már az anyuka is felhívott, odáig van... :D
nagyon jól esett!
tudom, hogy nem vagyok százas! már sokan mondták :D
köszönöm mindenkinek a szép szavakat, nagyon sokat jelentenek!
Köszi ROKON :D :D :D
Thanks Geniene and Sarah for the nice words!
Hugs Geniene :D :D :D :D
Hi. When and where to are you visiting Norway? Nice to hear from you :-)
hi Tone,
I am coming in April as a part of a school project.
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