Busy Christmas

Sunday, December 20, 2009

It seemed I did nothing in the last few weeks.... Among my exams I did a bit of craft... Only small things... And as I took the pictures when I was at home (very early in the morning when it was still dark) they are not too good. I am really sorry about them.
So the first crafty things were the postcards. I am not an expert card maker but here are the ones I sent to friends all around the world.
The favourite colour this year was blue and I made 2 traditional ones (green and red).
I hope they arrive to my friends soon!


Kicsoda said...

a kekek nekem nagyon tetszenek!!! tovabbi jo vizsgazast!

patchwitch said...

köszi :D
és örülök, hogy tetszenek! ott mi újság?