As the exam time is coming and I am in the middle of the test and exam time, this weekend had just a bit of sewing... My friend had her weddign yesterday and I remembered she liked coffee (and I was right). I had some leftover of my B's laptop bag... (Ah I think I forgot to show it to you, but never mind when the sun will shine again I'll take a pic to you)... So I had that piece of fabric which I made into 6 coasters. Here they are:
1 week ago
Te élsz???:))))
Puszi! Karcagon találkozunk!:))))
Those are such neat coasters. A friend of mine made me some similar ones when I got married ... she sewed crushed coffee beans inside them, sort of like really thin bean bags. When I put my coffee mug on my coaster, still to this day over 8 years later, the heat from my mug warms up the coffee beans inside and sends out the most lovely aroma. :)
nagyon jok!!! es hajra:-)
thank you for the idea with the coffee beans, I am sure I am going to try that!
Igen, Julcsy :D :D és hurrrrááááá!
Thanks, Kicsoda, szükséges a sok drukk!!!!!
wow..these are beautiful..too beautiful for a handmade stuff..i love it..wish i could create something like this
nice blog..
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