
Sunday, August 24, 2008

I am sorry I was away for such a long time. I think you can imagine I am busy with my new Janome friend :D
I nearly finished the project of "guess what" post, there are some little things to sew by hand, so I am coming with pics soon....hopefully as my camera died on Wednesday, so I couldn't make pics about the things I sewed.....

Plus I am the organizer of the school camp for the new high school students so I am going to be in the countryside next week.... sigh, no sewing....

So please take care, I am coming back next weekend hopefully with some pictures (by a borrowed camera of my dear friend, Eili)...

My new sewing machine :D :D :D

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Today I finally got my new sewing machine, a Janome Memory Craft 6600 Professional. This is my birthday gift, but I had to wait for a long time (more than a month) to get it... Japan is far far away....

So today it was like a new birthday :D
It is a very good machine, a really professional one. It can do more than I can imagine. Now I am in big project, I read all the manual (quite a long one), I try to learn the English expressions of sewing, and I try the stitches... You know it is the fun part...:D
I am not finished as this machine knows lots of things. It comes with a quilting table, several feet, and lots of other accessories. We also bought a mat which is under the machine now (thanks B for the idea :D) and some more bobbins and needles. Ah and a special foot for hidden zippers... (or whatever...)
I cannot write too much about the machine now, just that it is the best machine on Earth and I am very happy to have one!!!

I am sure this will help me to sew lots of things... (and unfortunately the other one is broke again....maybe it is hurt....I am so sorry for it.)

After we came home with this wonderful present I found an envelope in the post box, an other RAK present, this time from Ann. Some beautiful Aussie fabrics...Thank you Ann!

Sorry for this short post but I am too busy with trying my new Janome.

Ah and I think it would be very helpful to read about this machine on a forum (I am sure there is a Janome forum somewhere on the net but now I cannot find anything, I am too excited...) so if you are a member of one or know about it please leave me a comment with the details.... Thank you!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some days ago I heard strange noise from the kitchen. I went there and I saw B's new battery charger. I turned on the light and the noise stopped. I thought it was the charger but I was not sure. I just switched it off and called B. My other charger has no sound, so it seemed strange. I wanted to ask a funny question, so I said: 'Does the new charger have sound or do we have a cricket in the kitchen?' For my big surprise B answered: 'I think we have a cricket in the kitchen, I have heard something strange yetsterday night.'
This was the time of searching. When I heard the noise again I tried to follow it - in darkness of course because it stopped when I was not careful enough.
And 2 days later I was sure the sound came from the kitchen and I knew the corner as well. I turned on the light and B found the cricket.... He fell in love with our telephone which had the same sound as he but I think poor guy was sad at the end.... when he recognized that the telephone was filled without the noise he liked.
I was lucky enough to take a photo about him before B took him out to the balcony.

Pungi's bag

Monday, August 11, 2008

In Karcag we learnt to sew a rucksack like bag. I was sure it would suit my friend, Pungi, who had her birthday in March, but was ill that time, so we skipped her 'party'. This was the perfect present (among the ones I bought in March and February), so I decided to choose a nice fabric and sew it for her. This sea fabric was a pair of truosers what we found in a second hand shop last summer. For the first look I was sure this would be a perfect bag. So I cut it out and sewed all day.
A friend (hajnikri) helped me to draw the sea animals and I machine stitched them. With the help of some water and a sponge I could have this blueish background on the simple white fabric.
I am going to sew a small shell to the zip... (Unfortunately my sewing machine was ill that time...), but the bag is finished now and Pungi was very happy with it. And I was proud to see it on her shoulders.
Happy belated birthday Pungi!

To write list and a prize

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ah I have so many things to write about.... I was in two patchwork camps: in Karcag and in Ménfőcsanak, I dyed fabrics with my friends and some nice new ones in Rácalmás. And I have lots of UFOs and some FOs to show you... And I got another prize :D

So the list:
dyed fabrics-pics
Karcag things
Ménfőcsanak things
prize (written)

Now, let's start with the prize :D

Helen (helbel) gave me a prize on her blog... Thank you very much Helen! I know I would have to choose 7 blogs but I had really very much trouble with the other prizes so I cannot choose 7 (I do not want to choose the same people or the ones who already has this award...), I have to skip it this time. But Helen, you have to know I was absolutely surprised as you are a reader of my blog and I really appreciate it, thank you very much again!

(I wanted to cross the word 'prize' on the list...does anyone know how to cross words on the blogger???? blush...blush...)

Adventurous journey

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sorry for the English speaking Readers, this is a special post for the friends with whom I spent the last days, so I write in Hungarian first. Now I am too tired to translate but soon... And pics are coming as well.... Have a happy weekend!

Helló Csanakiak!

Hát, hazaértem..... Kalandos volt ugye, ezért gondoltam, ha akartok kacagni rajtam egyet, hát íme.... Szóval az út a kis csapattal nagyon jó hangultatú volt.... Kicsit szomorkásak voltunk a könnyes szemeket látva, de sajna be kell látnunk, minden jó véget ér egyszer.... (de csak azért ugye, hogy jöjjön valami más, aminek majd nagyon tudunk örülni...:D) Az ottmaradottaknak nagyon kellemes további táborozást, a night clubnak jó nemalvást, a hazaérkezetteknek pedig kellemes pihenést!
Szóval a szakadó eső sem szegte kedvünket és Krumpó is befejezte az integetést, amikor M. - sajátos módon, telefonálás közben - megkezdte a navigálást. Szinte teljesen egy hullámhosszon voltak a sofőrrel, így a STOP táblát is egyszerre vették észre (M oly hangosan vette észre, hogy a tű azonnal átszúrta az ujjamat, de ez legyen ugye az én gondom, nem is panaszkodom, boldog voltam, hogy haladok azzal a ....... bonyolult szegőpánttal. Éljen B, máris szebb az élet, fenn van a pánt, köszi a segítséget!!! :D)
Szóval minden rendben volt, izgalmas beszélgetések végig (döbbenetes tényként közlöm, nem én beszéltem egyész úton, csudajó volt hallgatni a többieket...)
És meg is érkeztünk a Tbetűsáruház elé, ahonnan az ingyenes járattal terveztem hazajutni, a többiek eközben - remélem - gond nélkül megtalálták a fel- és lehajtókat....
Fel is vettem a hátamra kis méretű kék hátizsákomat (valamivel többet nyomott 14 kilónál - valaki kérdezte, milyen nehéz...), magamra aggattam a fekete és a piros zacskóimat, és végül felkaptam a csíkos táskámat. Vidáman vágtam neki az útnak a tűző napsütésben, indultam a megálló felé. Az első csalódás akkor ért, amikor rádöbbentem, éppen elindult a busz, még rámosolyoghattam a sofőrre (teljesen feleslegesen, mert persze nem állt meg, csak mosolygott, mintha azzal ki lennék segítve...), ők pedig elhaladtak mellettem. Sebaj- gondoltam-, majd jól megnézem, mikor jön a következő...
Nem tudom, a többiek honnan a szöszből tudják, hogy mikor kell kiállni a megállóba, mert egyetlen kiírás sem volt sehol, de kerestem egy ülőkét (a higiéniás részeket nem gondoltam végig), lepakoltam magam köré "néhány holmimat", előkaptam a varrókészletet és optimista hangulatban folytattam a szegőpánt levarrását.... Hamarosan három lány érkezett, az egyik rögtön meg is tekintette a művet, majd a tisztításról kezdett értekezni.... Ekkor már zavart egy picit, hogy a buszmegálló környékén sem volt árnyékos terület, és a kiindulási pont szakadó esőjével ellentétben itt a 40 fokos meleg volt jelen... Hát, ücsörögtem is fél órát nyugodtam, türelmesen, és be is gördült a várva várt busz.... A középvidám sofőr közölte, hogy ledöglött a busz és sajnos nem tud elindulni, úgyhogy majd a következő.....
Hát..... öööö.... ez a fél óra már nem volt olyan kellemes, kezdett irtózatosan melegem lenni, és kicsit talán szomjas is voltam (bár ez csak később tudatosodott.... volt nálam sok fontos dolog, víz nem, de annyi cuccal, gondoltam, mindjárt megyek haza, kibírom addig....)
Nos, el is telt a fél óra, meg is jött a busz, amin óriási tömeg volt (naná, hiszen két busznyi ember zsúfolódott fel arra az egy szegény járgányra...) Sajnos a busz útvonalára nem jól emlékeztem, így meglepett, hogy 5 perc múlva még mindig a környező óriási áruházaak között zötyögtünk.... Ekkor kezdte nyomni a vállamat a táskám, de csak egy picit.... Kellemes meglepetésként a 70 percnyi tortúra után kiderült, hogy a busz megáll a lakótelep alján, így gondoltam, megspórolom az átszállást, és bevállalom a picit hosszabb sétát (ez kb. 15 percet jelent cucc nélkül jó tempóban...)
Hamarosan rájöttem, rossz ötlet volt, mert már minden testrészemen - kivétel nélkül - folyt a víz, mire ezt a most talán kissé hosszúnak tűnő sétát megtettem (és dombra felfelé végig....)... Az utca végén fellélegeztem, a ház előtt pedig már éreztem a hideg víz ízét a számban és a zuhanyra gondoltam, amikor észrevettem, hogy nem látom.... Nem látom világítani a lift lámpáját.... Nem hallom kattogását.... Hiába nyomom, nem történik semmi... Rossz a lift! Na ekkor éreztem, hogy az Ég ma összeesküdött ellenem.... Egy kis időbe telt, amíg elhittem, összeszedtem magam és elindultam fölfelé a 24.6 kilónyi (merthogy itthon lemértem végül...) cuccal a hátamon, vállamon, kezemben....
Említettem már, hogy a tizenegyediken lakom?!

Hello Friends from Csanak,
Well, I am at home now..... It was quite adventurous so if you want to laugh at me, go on and continue reading...
So our little team had a cheerful journey... We were a bit sad when we saw your tears, but we know all good things end once (but you know, this is the way to have new things to be happy about :D) I wish very happy staying for the ones who are still there, nice 'non sleeping' for the night club and good rest for the ones who are at home as well!
So we ignored the heavy rain and Krumpo stopped waving when M - while talking on the phone - started navigation. M and the driver girl were finger and thumb so they recognized the STOP sign at the same time (M did it so loudly I stabbed my finger with the needle, but who cares? I was happy to sew my 'nearly finished art quilt, only the strap was problematic.... Hurray for B, the strap is on now, thanks for your help!!! :D)
Everything was all right, exciting talking on the whole way (I know it is an astonishing fact, but I was not the one who was talking on the whole way, I liked to listen to the others....)
And we arrived at the car park of the 'beginningwithTsupermarket' when I wanted to change to their free bus, while the other hopefully found the ramps...
I put on my tiny little blue rucksack (it was a bit more than 14 kilograms - someone was curios about its weigh) and the black and red bags plus the striped handbag. I started my way happily, I went to the bus stop in the sunshine. The first disappointment came when I recognized the bus was just leaving. I could smile at the driver (but it was a waste as he didn't stop but smiled back.... what could I do with it?) and the bus went away. 'Never mind', I thought, 'I check the timetable'.
I don't know how the others know when to come to the bus stop but the timetable was nowhere but I found a seat (do not think about hygiene this time) I put down all my things, I took out my sewing set and continued sewing the strap optimistically... Soon the girls arrived and asked me about my quilt and the washing options of it. I was a bit disappointed as there was not a sigle shadow around. The heavy rain when we started was far away now it was surely 40 degrees. So I was sitting there for 30 minutes patiently and the bus was coming! The driver jumped out and said the bus was broke down so we had to wait more 30 mins for the next one.
Well....eeeeer.... this 30 mins were not so funny, I started to be hot and I started to be a bit thirsty but I had no water with me (only lots of other things...) but I thought I could wait as I was not so far from home...
The bus arrived and we left with a huge crowd on it (2 on1)... Unfortunately I didn't remember its route well and I was surprised when after 5 mins we still went around the supermarkets.... At that moment my rucksack started to be a bit heavy, but only a bit... Finally a nice surprise: after the 70 mins torture the bus stopped next to the blocks where I live, so I decided to choose a bit longer walk instead of changing buses (that means about 15 mins walk without bags in a quite fast tempo...)
Soon I recognized it was a bad idea because all my body parts (without exception) were sweaty after this (now seemed) quite long walk to the hill.... At the end of our street I relieved and in front of our house I felt the taste of cold water in my mouth and I thought of a shower when I recognized that I didn't see..... I didn't see the lights of the lift... I didn't hear it moving... I tried but nothing happened... The lift was out of work!!! I started to climb up tha stairs with my 24.6 kg bags on my backs, shoulders and in my hands...
Did I mention I lived on the 11th floor?!