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She is our newest friend, Ingrid. The story started 2 weeks ago when we got my mum's old car (it is a new car for us). My B told me to sew someone into the car to be a traveller partner for him all the time. We wanted a small someone not too disturbing on the mirror.
She is very small, a Tilda design, but I made her really tiny.... She is 7.5 cms tall.... bourdon (as the car) and white. She has her dress of my favourite fabric-combination.
Let me introduce our newest friend, Ingrid:
Ingrid is just gorgeous !
Thank you :D I happy you like her! :D
Oh, she's a bit like Lina, she's in the car with us all the time (though she's bigger but then we need bigger protection)!:)
Aaaarcpíír! :D
Nem vagy semmi, miniatűr Tildát varrni feszültség levezetőnek???! (Nem lettél ideges a végére? :D)
Nekem az is új, hogy piros és kedvenc és semmi narancssárga.. :D
Kall az autósoknak a védangyal.. :D
hát, IO, a narancs az persze még kedvenc, de nem megy a bordó kocsihoz, így ez a bordó-fehér összeállítás (azon színek közül a kedvencem) lett...
hugs to Lina :D :D
Amazing how small. :) I have something for you in my blog.
Amazing how small. :) I have something for you in my blog.
Ez hihetetlen, hogy nem bir ármenn az üzenetem.Nagyaon édes INGRID
pussz F/ka/
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