They were beautiful, I loved them in the first moment. We made little balls (this is all I had.... yes, I am wondering now why I didn't make more...) and they were like ice cream balls.
Do you agree?
The only thing seemed 'makeable' was a short scarf. Kdatta gave me the idea about her short scarfs so I made one.
I tried it on but my B was not very happy with it and neither I when I looked into the mirror.
So I decided to start again with a normal scarf. But the first one was too wide so the yarn seemed not enough. Then I started again.... This is the 5th version I made at the weekend.
It is wide and long enough to wear (I think).
And yes, it is very simple but I like it. (With home coloured yarn you do not want to use a complicated pattern, I think it is colourful enough - at least for me.)
The only problem: the edges. I followed the 'inverse before the last' rule but it is still not good. I really do not know what to do with them.....
Nagyon jol neznek ki egyutt! En nem latom a szelen a forditottat, de siman lehet, hogy azert csavaroik, mert ugye nagyobb tuvel kellett kotni. Kiprobalhatod, hogy kifeszitve szaritod, de nem vagyok meggyozdve, hogy pamutnal sokat er.
ah, édes vagy, azért köszönöm...lassan lemondok róla, hogy valaha kötök nem csavarodós sálat.... és azért nem látod, mert becsavarodott :D
Ok, I am going to try to wash it and dry it carefully to avoid the edge problem... thanks for your help :D
Gyönyörű lett a sálad! Az a narancsszín, jajjjj.... :)
Ennyi minden kijött belőle? :)P
Ha csak simakötéssel kötöd, az mindig be fog csavarodni és 1 szem fordított a szélénél nem számít semmit. Megoldás lehet a 3-4 sima,1 fordított minta, annak sima hatása van, de egyenesebb marad. Azért ott is elkél 2 ford. szem a széleken.
Vagy: megkötöd dupla szélesen és összevarrod, vagy körben, vagy ... :)P.
hát.... most akkor inkább hanyagolom a sálkötést...igen, viszinylag hosszú lett, mert 1. javaslatodra NAGYON LAZÁN (mint eddig még soha) kötöttem és
2. mert 25 szem széles
3. mert 5.5-ös tűvel van.
és imádnám,ha nem kunkorodna, de azért hatodszor asszem nem kötöm meg :D
I'm glad you write in English! we can communicate!
I am a daughter of Hungarians born in Brazil... I love my parents heritage and crafts with Hungarian motifs, and I love your blog and all the cute things and ideas!!
My Hungarian isn't much... for my sadness!! I would like to acquire some embroidery thread and knitting wool from Hungary... could you help me with it..where, how much etc..? I would appreciate your help!!
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