
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ah, no pics about the fabrics as I have battery problems, but tomorrow I am going away for a patchwork camp.... so about one more week... :D

And my sewing machine is working thanks for the repairman yesterday :D

Have a nice week!

Christmas every day

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This July seems Christmas .... Just before leaving to the patchwork camp I got a RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) pack from Barb with a cute letter, some orange and brown fabrics and orange DMCs.

After coming home another envelope waited for me from Kaz.... She put some beautiful Aussie fabric with Aussie animals and Aboriginal designs..... nothing I had seen before... wow, thank you :D

And yesterday I was happy again (actually when I am the one who opens the post box nowadays there something for me - not bills but presents - every time...I am really lucky to have (online) friends like this :D
So yesterday I got 3 mags, wonderful mags :D!


I got another prize :D

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Eeeerrrrr... I think this is the week of prizes.... Actually I feel a bit embarrased as I am away nowadays which means rare posts and not much to show (with a broken sewing machine).... But I try to do my best and try to sew more... This is a 'Creator blogger' prize which I got from Orsi with these nice words:

Én pedig szeretném kitüntetni Patchwitch-t, mert olyan gyönyörűséges dolgokat varr, hogy bevallom irigykedem. Kedvenceim a zsiráfok és az angyalok, azokat mindenki nézze meg! (I'd like to nominate Patchwitch because she sews so beautiful things that makes me jealous (I confess). My favourites are the giraffes and angels, everyone must see them!)

I am still blushing..... Thank you Orsi!

És a játékszabály:

A feltételek igen egyszerűek. Aki díjazott, az maga is díjazóvá válik, és továbbadja 2 bloggertársának.
1. Kiválaszt 2 olyan blogolót, aki neki kedves, akinek az alkotásait sokra tartja
2. Meg is indokolja, hogy miért éppen őket díjazza
3. Majd hagy az illető oldalán egy üzenetet, amiben felhívja a figyelmét rá :)

Bármelyik magyar blog díjazott lehet, ahol alkotó tevékenységről tesz tanúbizonyságot annak írója. Lehet az bármilyen kézimunka, scrapbook, kreatív gasztroblog, ez csak a díj átadóján múlik.


There are simple rules. All nominees can give the prize to 2 other bloggers.

1. You have to choose 2 blogger who are dear to you and whose creations you appreciate.

2. You have to explain your choice.

3.You have to leave a comment on their blogs.

Any Hungarian blogs can be nominated in which you can read about creating. It can be any crafts, scrapbook, creative gastroblog, it depends on the giver.

Szeretném a díjat Méhikének adni, amiért rengeteg egyéb dolga mellett is szakít időt a varrásra, és csuda szép dolgokat hoz össze.

És Pjulcsynak, akit imádok úgy, ahogy van, hihetetlennek tartom, mi mindent csinál 4 gyerek mellett, és imádom az ötleteit, és nagyon hiányzott Karcagon....

I'd like to give this prize to Mehike because she has a lot to do but she still has time for sewing and she creates beautiful things and to Pjulcsy who I simply love, it is unbelievable how many things she does as a mother with 4 children and I love her ideas and missed her in Karcag.

(Sorry for the confusing colours and fonts but something just doesn't work and I cannot fix it at the moment...)

Summertime - Luxembourg (episode 2.)

Here are some more pictures about THE HOLIDAY I mentioned in a previous post. I have just chosen some of my huge album.....
This is the huge river of Luxembourg city, called Petrus (on the bottom of the picture):

This is the Grand Theatre, it is not a beautiful building (just like our National Theatre), but very important for me...

This is the church of Kayl by night (we lived in Kayl, thanks for our wonderful friends....):

It is the beautiful castle of Vianden from the car....:

The 'old part' of Luxembourg city, the Ground:

Another picture with the other river of Luxembourg city. (River Alzette):

And it was a really funny sign in the Ground. Can you imagine second hand food? (By the way, there is a cute country style patchwork shop near this place):

I was so lucky to find a really very nice person on the net. She is Lil, she was my partner in the shopping tour, she took me into two patchwork shops. We spent a very good time together! Thank you very much for that, Lil!
Ah, and look at her beautiful car! It was another great experience as I haven't sat in a car like that before.

This is the small Tilda needle holder what I sewed to Lil. (Sorry about the awful picture)

And this is what I got as a present from her:

And these are the fabrics I bought in the patchwork shops:

Ah, where is the cherry fabric what I got from the sweet shopkeeper as a special present for Hungarians? (hmmmm.... picture is coming...I promise)

I got a prize, khm.... I mean two :D

Monday, July 28, 2008

While I was away sitting in a patchwork camp (posts about it later...) I got this price twice, from Agibo and Ezkriszti. Thank you girls! I am trying to do my best and show you more projects :D

A szabályok a következők...
1. Kiteszem a logót a blogomra.
2. Kiírom annak a személynek a nevét és blogját, akitől kaptam.
3. Jelölök 5 blogot.
4. Jelölök 5 blogolót, linkelem.
5. Üzenetet hagyok a jelöléseikről a blogjukban.

Here are the rules:
1. I put the logo on my blog.
2. I write the name and blog of the person I got the prize from.
3. I nominate 5 blogs.
4. I nominate 5 bloggers and put here their links, too.
5. I leave them a message about their nominations in their blogs.

Ok, so it is time to nominate 5 bloggers. I'd like to give this prize to Évi, Lil, MissNance, Solstitches and Christine.

Summertime - Luxembourg (episode 1.)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It started 3 years ago. My B asked me to try a game on his computer..... I did.... Then I was so jealous for him to be able to play Guild Wars any time.... Finally I got a second hand laptop and the game on it.... Yay, I was soooo happy! It turned a real hobby as I spent most of my free time with the game. Actually I am not a big player as I get bored of them quite easily.
But GW is another story. I couldn't be bored when playing. It is not a simple game, but an online one with a real community behind. I like the social part. Of course we have a guild. My B and friends made it and later really very nice people joined. Yes, now we have a good European community, a bunch of friends... Three years ago we had our first (small) meeting. I like to see the people behind the computers (as we say the 'real life person'). You make friendships or at least try, talk to foreigners for months, spend your free time with them, know lots of things about their lives and finally you meet them. And that is the best part!
I am so grateful for the inventors of internet to make the whole world a lot smaller. Now I can know people who are far away, I can learn a lot about culture, societies.....
Last year we had the second meeting, this time in Wales and in Bonn as the guys were happy to host us... (I don't mind sleeping on the floor eating supermarket food and having good company with me.... I do not need trendy hotels to feel myself the happiest person on Earth...)
This year we were invited to Luxembourg where three guildies live. 'Hey, let's have another adventure', we said, and jumped into our car. (Last year we did the same, my B drove 2000 kms, so this 1200 seemed nothing...)
Asti, our 14 years old car seemed old enough for such a big adventure as it is a teenager now....
First we (B, Eili and me) went to Bonn again to pick up a guildy and then 'Go to Luxembourg!'. It is a tiny country with only 440,000 people. It is beautiful as it has everything you need, rivers, hills, beautiful trees, lots of bridges and towers, castles and good wine and beer (they said, I am not a fan of alcohol, so I tasted only the 'beer with lemonade' thing which was really nice and even too strong for me.... I had real problems to go up the stairs...)
We spent a wonderful one week there with the guildies, a real international group (Luxembourgians, Hungarians, a Polish from Germany, Serbian, Romanian, Finnish, Welsh).

Here are some photoes of the tour:

The castle of Beaufort with trees
Without trees

The wood

Luxembourg city centre 1.

Luxembourg city centre 2.

The house of the Grand Duke

Luxembourg city

Isn't it a real treasure?
(to be continued....)

Association game

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I am in trouble this time.... Orsolya invited me to play with her (thank you for that!).... This is an association game so it is impossible to write it in two languages (that would mean lots of thinking and no longer association so I write it in Hungarian and try to translate it later...)

I had no 'glassballs' only this big one which is not a ball, but nearly...

A alma, csak a zöldet ehetem, a többire, úgy tűnik, allergiás vagyok...nem nagyon értem, de sajnálom, szeretem őket... (apple, I can onyl eat green one, I seem allergic to the others... do not really understand, but I am sorry about it...)
Á álmos, szoktam lenni sokszor reggel, nem szeretek túl korán kelni, de ha jó a társaság (mint például a múlt héten, akkor szinte nem is érzem...) (sleepy, I am often sleepy in the mornings, I do not like getting up early, but when I have good friends with me (as last week) I do not feel myself sleepy...)
B bárány, varrtam egyet, az volt az első Tildas munkám (sheep, I sewed one, that was my first Tilda project)
C citrom, van sok a konyhában a függönyön, B nagyon szereti (lemon, there are a lot of them on the curtain in the kitchen, B loves them)
CS csiga, kakaós, sütöttem a guildiknek Luxemburgban, azt hiszem kedvelték, mert gyorsan elfogyott... (snail, I baked some cookies called 'cocoa snail' to the guildies in Luxembourg and they liked them..)
D dráma, életelemem, nagyon szeretem a színházat, főleg játszani, meg rendezni, tavaly kettőt sikerült rendezni, jövőre úgy tűnik, három lesz; óriási munka és kihívás, de a taps mindenért kárpótol... (drama, one of the main points in my life, I love theatre, especially payling and directing, last year I had two plays, next year I am going to direct 3 plays, a lot of work and challenge, but the clap at the end is awesome...)
DZ madzag, sokat használok belőle, 2 hete festettem néhányat textillel együtt... (string, I use it quite often, last week I dyed some with fabric...)
DZS dzsem, B szereti nagyon, bár nekem ez a szó nemtetszik, mindegyiket lekvárnak hívom... (jam, I do not like this word...)
E elefánt, volt egy elefáni párnám gyerekkoromban, még mindig megvan, ngyon szerettem, sajnos épp hiányzik az egyik füle, de azt hiszem, megvan valahol, ha megtalálom, felvarrom... (elephant, I had an elephant pillow when I was child, I think I still have it but one ear is missing, hopefully I'll find it once and can sew...)
É élet, vidámság, játék (life, cheerfulness, games)
F fagyi, nem sokat eszem mostanság, nem tudom, miért (ice cream, I do not eat much these days, I don't know why...)
G giraffe, tudom én, hogy magyarul játszom, de mégis ez jutott eszembe, talán, mert nagyon szeretem őket, és van egy zsiráfos bögrém is (Karácsonyra kaptam Btől), amin angolul van a felirat (giraffe, that was the only word came to my mind, I love them so much... I have a mug with giraffes on it got from B at Christmas...)
H hó, jaj, csudajó, ha van hó! minden formáját szeretem, hóesés, hóember, hógolyó.... fantasztikus, megnevettet, boldoggá tesz (snow, I love it so much! I like snowfall, snowmen, snowballs.... it is fantastic, it makes me laugh and happy)
I internet, remek találmány, már sok barátot szereztem vele, összeköt távoli földrészekkel is... (internet, it's a great invention, I got some friends through that, it makes connections with far away continents...)
Í ízek, B nagyon jól főz (taste, B can cook very well...)
J jelmez, egy pillanatra lehetsz valaki más, kapsz egy másik életet másik tulajdonságokkal, akkor érzed csak igazán, milyen jó a saját bőrödben (costume, for a while you can be someone else, you can have another life, other characterisitcs and you immediately understand how good is your life...)
K kalap, nagyon sok kalap áll jól nekem, mégsem hordok túl gyakran kalapot... (hat, quite a few suit me but I do not wear hats very often...)
L Luxembourg, ott töltöttem egy hetet barátokkal, barátoknál... csodálatos volt! (Luxembourg, I was there with friends for a week ... it was wonderful!)
M móka, fontos pont az életemben (fun, it is very important in my life)
N Norvégia, egy norvég barátomtól kaptam ezt az üvegszobrocskát (a majdnem üveggolyót...) egy híres norvég üveggyárban készült (Hadeland), ahol magam is készítettem egy üvegpoharat...
(Norway, I got this 'glassball' from a Norwegian friend of mine, it was made in a famous Norwegian factory in Hadeland, when I made a glass...)
O origami, szeretik a kicsik, az osztályom profi volt benne (origami, little kids like it, my class was professional...)
Ó ólom, ólomkatona, és Andersen meséje (lead, lead soldier, and the tale of Andersen)
Ö öltések, varrás, a hobbim (stitches, sewing, my hobby)
Ő őzike, pontosan Öreg néne őzikéje, nagyon szerettem a mesét, de mindig sírtam a szomorú részeknél... (deer, and a tale which I loved as a child...)
P patchwork, no comment (túl hosszú lenne) (patchwork, no comment, that would be too long...)
Q question (magyarul nem jutott eszembe semmi, angolul az ábécé q betűjét ezzel a szóval (is) tanítják) (that was the only word what came to my mind, the Q af the English ABC is taught by this letter...)
R rend, tetszik, de sajnos nem vagyok rendes (Unfortunately I am not tidy...)
S sál, szeretem őket, télen jó meleg, ha fáj a torkom, meggyógyít (scarf, I like them, they are very warm in winter, they help when I have a sore throat...)
SZ szivárvány, gyönyörű, mindig jó kedvre derít (rainbow, beautiful, it makes me laugh...)
T tészta, szeretem szinte minden formáját, éljen az olasz konyha!! (pasta, I like it, all kind, viva Italian cuisine...)
TY tyúk, tyúkanyó, állítólag olyan vagyok a gyerekekkel, mint tyúkanyó a kiscsibékkel (máris kövérnek érzem magam) (hen, they say I am like a hen with chicks when I am with kids...)
U uborka, nagyon szeretem, az angol megfelelője meg sokáig a kedvenc angol szavam volt (cucumber, I like it very much, the word 'cucumber' was my favourite English word for a while...)
Ú út, mindig eltévedek, bár a térkép néha segít (way, I always get lost, but map sometimes helps...)
Ü üveg, remek anyag, jó, hogy valaki rátalált egyszer régen (glass, I am happy someone found it once...)
Ű tű, gondolkodtam, gondolkodtam, de csak ez jutott eszembe, talán a varrás miatt? :) (needle, I was just thinking and thinking, this was the only word, maybe because of sewing? :) )
V vonat, utazást jelent, ami pedig kalandot (train=travelling=adventures)
W würstecher (kolbászt jelent luxemburgi nyelven, viccesen hagzik kiejtve) (a Luxembourgian word, means sausage, has funny pronunciation)
X xilofon, volt egy nekem is kicsi koromban, színes volt és szép hangú (xylophone, I had one as a child, it was colourful and had nice sound)
Y yes, szeretek igent mondani a jó dolgokra (yes, I like saying yes to good things...)
Z zokni, a narancssárgát és a csíkosat szeretem a leginkább (socks, I like orange and striped ones the best....)
ZS zsiráf, megint, ki gondolta volna? (giraffe, again, but why? :) )

Én pedig továbbgurítom az üveggolyókat Évinek, Elizanikónak és Amarantának, mert kíváncsi vagyok rájuk, ha nekik is van kedvük hozzá.....
I am curios about Évi, Elizanikó and Amaranta.

Christmas in July

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today I felt like Christmas in July. The postman woke me up when he rang the doorbell.... My parcel arrived!!! This was the first time I had ordered anything from can guess, fabric, and it arrived!!!! :D

(half of it is not mine, but still....)

Let's dye!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Last weekend I went for a dyeing fiesta with online patchwork friends into the countryside (into a village called Rácalmás). We stayed in a half-finished guest house which was a very nice and comfy place (yes, really).

I arrived home last afternoon (from the Maths course) and at night I was shopping as I needed some pins, rubber gloves, string etc for the fiesta. I was extremely tired when reached my bed so I hardly believed my alarm was ringing at 6 o'clock in the morning. I had to get up early as all of us made something to eat. I have chosen 'cocoa roll' from my recipe book. It is a quite easy recipe with nice results.

During the pasta part I was frightened.... I was sure I would leave something out because of sleepiness... But at the end it seemed OK so I could start the cocoa cream. At that point I realized that my mashine (the biggest help in the kitchen) broke down so I had to do it with my pure hands. I have never done it without machine before.

Here are the rolls.... They were really delicious...

We dyed fabrics for 2 days. We spent a very funny and tiring time together. Unfortunately I still do not have pics about the fabrics, so wait, they are coming soon.

to be continued....