So after finishing the previous post we went to a restaurant in the city centre. It was an absolutely new one for me, my B found it when he went with colleagues. We ate a lot.... really lot.... I got a pre-present from Ám and Pung, a coctail bonus for a lot of coctails... ( I do not drink alcohol very often.... actually I rarely drink so they wanted me to know at least the coctails, which I prefer when drinking...)
Later my dear friend, Eili arrived with 6 balloons (but because of running 2 died...) and Ark who was a real surprise as he lives in another counrty.... And I got lots of pressies... Wanna see? OK, I have some pics....
Presents from Ark and Eili:
29th May
The next day I was taken to another restaurant. my B took me with strange face....I was suspicious.... My mum and her husband were there with a beautiful strawberry bowl and another surprise.... My mum was so clever to find out this composition for me. My favourite fruit (one of them) is strawberry and the cherries are from her garden... So it was a really special thing to get.... Isn't it nice?
30th May
My colleague had a party for us from the theatrical group. It was quite a big company... We enjoyed the long-long evening very much (I arrived at my bed at 3 a.m. the next day...), and in the middle of the party they sang me a 'Happy birthday song' which I had never heard before and finally 2 of the guys threw me into the pool in my clothes..... It was surprising and quite funny, we laughed a lot - another story to tell.... Pictures later, I think someone took pics, but not sure, I was too surprised to realise things....
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