Happy New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

I hope to have more time and mood for sewing in 2012. Have a very happy, cheerful, lucky, healthy New Year full of beautiful threads, fabric, embroidery, ideas and TIME for your hobby if you are my type :D If not, choose someone : ..................................(here) for you for 2012!

Remélem, jövőre több időm és kedvem lesz varrni megint. Kívánok nektek nagyon boldog, vidám, szerencsés, egészséges Új Évet tele gyönyörű cérnákkal, anyagokkal, hímzésekkel, ötletekkel és IDŐVEl a hobbytokra, ha az én fajtám vagytok. :) Ha nem, válasszatok valamit magatoknak az Új Évre: ........................... (itt).

Something in Bulgaria - Apróság Bulgáriába(n)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

As I returned to Bulgaria to a dear friend, I decided to make something for her. Something that goes well with the bag I made in the summer (the orange and green crazy bag). It was obvious to make an orange and green something.

This something became a purse. A tricky one. My friend, Évi has one as her own purse which I hold for some minutes in Határtalanul (it is a big patchwork show in Hungary). I must have had a closer look at it and I tried to memorise the 'how to' part.

As usual I was too late as I started this project in the last evening. I finished the 'machine part' and I put some needles and threads plus the zips and folded edge (is it the name for the piece of fabric that goes to the edges???) into my luggage.

I found some time (instead of sleeping) in Bulgaria in my hotel room to finish this present, so on Sunday afternoon I could give it to Eli on the trip to Rila (which was a beautiful trip anyway).

Here is the purse: Íme a pénztárca:

Pockets on bothe sides (3 pockets altogether) Zsebek mindkét oldalon (3 zseb összesen)

Eli loved it which made me absolutely happy :D

Mivel visszatértem Bulgáriába egy kedves baráthoz, úgy gondoltam, vinnék neki valamit, ami illik a nyáron neki készített narancs-zöld crazy táskához. Egyértelmű volt tehát, hogy valami zöld és narancs készül.

Ez a valami végül egy pénztárca lett. Egy amolyan kis "trükkös darab". Barátom (managerem, pót-mamám, nővérkém, tanárom, példaképem, stb), Évi pénztárcáját a Határtalanulon volt alkalmam pár percre a kezemben tartani, így azonnal a "hogyan készült" problematika feszegetésébe kezdtem, valamint megpróbáltam mindenféle dolgokat (méret, elrendezés stb) memorizálni azzal kapcsolatban.

De természetesen - ahogy az lenni szokott - már megint az utolsó pillanatban kezdtem neki a dolognak, az indulás előtti este megvarrtam a géppel készített részeket, majd fogtam pár tűt, cérnát, zipzárt, és ferdepántot és elcsomagoltam bőröndöm mélyére (utálom, hogy mostanában nem lehet varrótűvel garázdálkodni a repülőgépeken). Szállodai szobám magányában találtam némi időt, hogy befejezzem a munkát (alvás helyett). Így aztán vasárnap délután a rilai utazás közben átadhattam Elinek a pénztárcáját (az út egyébként gyönyörű volt, részletek a másik blogban).

Nagyon örült neki, ami engem abszolút boldoggá tett. :D

The witch is flying - Újra repül

Thursday, November 10, 2011

More break as I am travelling again....

Újabb szünet, mert elszállok.... részletek a másik blogon. Az oldalsávból. Repülj velem! :D

Traveller's purse - Útipénztárca

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Although when I was a kid we spent several hours standing in queues at borders, I really forgot that experience since the EU travelling, when you just see a sign of the next country and that is all. You can count on google maps, its timing works perfectly....
And also the money. You buy some Euros and take some Forints with you.

This year, my B decided to go to Bulgaria by car.... That means: Forint (Hungary), Dinar (Serbia), Leva (Bugaria) plus Euro (accomodation and 'just in case' factor).

I do not know what others do, but I really become frustrated when I go abroad with my purse and suddenly the coins mix and when you try to pay, you spend hours to find the right currency in your purse, while the queue behind you becomes so long and you start to think it was so embarrassing and than it becomes worse and worse...

When I counted the currency types we needed I became frightened imagine myself in the shop/at the petrol station etc. So I decided to avoid this experiance and make something useful for our BIG VACATION.

I decided to design a Traveller's Purse... Early in the morning I started the design process then sewed it and by lunchtime I had my surprise to B. :) He was satisfied but added a new idea which I 'sewed in'.

When in spring my FIL came to visit us from Australia I got a pack of fabric squares (all are flannel) from my favourite shop (Ribbons and Rainbows which were closing. I am sorry about it! Goodbye R and R, thank you for the nice memories! and also bye bye ladies from T nights).

I used the squares (as I do not really sew quilts) to make this purse.
B idea was to add some rubber bands, so we can keep the notes in it as well as the coins. I had colourful ribbon bands so I could add matching colours :D

Here it is:

Bár gyerekként sok-sok órát töltöttem a határokon való ácsorgással, egészen elfelejtettem ezt az élményt az EU-ban való utazgatások közepette, amikor csak meglátod a következő ország nevét jelző táblát, s ennyi. Számíthatsz a Google Maps-re, az időzítése ezen utakon tökéletesen pontos…

És a pénzzel sincs gond, viszel Forintot meg Eurót és kész.

Ebben az évben B kitalálta, hogy menjünk Bulgáriába kocsival. Ez a következőt jelentette: kell Forint (magyar részek), Dínár (Szerbia), Leva (Bulgária) és Euró (a szállásra, meg a „minden eshetőségre fel kell készülni” faktor miatt.

Nem tudom, másokkal hogyan is boldogulnak ilyen esetekben (mert mások biztosan boldogulnak), de ÉN tényleg kínos helyzetekbe keveredem, amikor külföldre utazván az aprók összekeverednek a tárcámban, s amikor fizetni szeretnék, órákat töltök a megfelelő pénzek megtalálásával, miközben mögöttem egyre nő a sor amitől még kínosabban érzem magam, amitől még kevésbé találom az aprót…. és így tovább….

Amikor rájöttem, hány féle pénzt kell magunkkal vinni, már láttam a rémálmomat: fizetni valahogyan, s megtalálni a megfelelő pénzt ennyi közül…. Elhatároztam, hogy kitalálok valamit, csak hogy elkerüljem ezt a helyzetet, s készítek valami hasznosat a nagy utazásra…

Elhatároztam, hogy tervezek egy Útipénztárcát. Fel is keltem korán reggel, megterveztem, megvarrtam, s ebédidőben már B elé állhattam a meglepetéssel. Tetszett neki,l de volt egy jó ötlete, így ebéd után még azt is „belevarrtam”.

Amikor tavasszal az apósom megérkezett Ausztráliából, hozott nekem egy csomag flanellnégyzetet a kedvenc ausztál pw boltomból (ami sajnos éppen bezár. Nagyon sajnálom! Viszlát Ribbons and Rainbows! Köszönöm a szép emlékeket, és viszlát kedves hölgyek a kedd esti varrásról!!!).

A négyzeteket használtam tehát, minthogy én nem nagyon varrok takarókat és faliképeket (önszántamból). B ötlete nyomán néhány színes gumicsíkkal is kiegészítettem a tárcát, íly módon nemcsak az aprókat, de a papírpénzeket is tök praktikusan lehetetett benne tárolni.

July things - Júliusi dolgok (városépítés) Magyarul is!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In July I was very busy sewing because
1. I was in a patchwork camp in Karcag
2. I prepared several things for our huge trip (a very late honeymoon after 7 years of marriage) to Bulgaria.

I was so busy I had no time to post.

The only thing you could see was the bag for Eli which was ready just at the Bulgarian border, so just in time :)
Tipical patchwitch way....

The only thing I could make ready was this Happy Village quilt. I was interested in this technique (although usually I do not make quilts...). A year ago I gave it a try but I failed. I really did not believe everything would turn out... So I left it.

But this year I gave it another chance. And yes, it worked!

I really knew I did not want to create the 1000th piece of the same city, so I decided to make it in my own way, a monocrome quilt. For this I dyed some fabric, I used the dye Colombus (all the grey colours and the black one....).

I wanted to make it a unique quilt so I decided to make a wide picture which I could not, so this time I made a thin but tall one as everyone else....
I used the regular shapes, but I added the extra 'rock' and 'lighthouse'. I tried to vary the fences and roofs. I quilted it with monofil thread (which was quite tricky as my glue did not work, so several pieces came off when I was quilting, so I had to move the quilt with one hand and catch the 'flying and jumping pieces' with the other.)

I knew I wanted to give and extra frame, it is the keyhole. Now I think my quilt is like watching a town through a keyhole... Do you have the same feeling?

(Plans in my hand with it, but nothing yet.... maybe later...)

Júlisban nagyon elfoglalt voltam, csak varrtam és varrtam, mert

  1. patchwork táborban voltam Karcagon
  2. Készítettem egy csomó dolgot a nagy utazásra Bulgáriába (megkésett nászút 7 évnyi házasság után)

Annyira csak varrtam és varrtam, hogy nem volt időm írni.

Az egyetlen dolog, amit megmutattam, Eli táskája volt, ami épp a bolgár határon lett készen, pont időben, hogy át tudjam neki adni…

Tipikus patchwitch mentalitás…

Az egyetlen dolog, amit a táborban készre varrtam ez a városépítés volt. Ez a technika annak ellenére érdekelt, hogy általában nem készítek quilteket. Egy évvel ezelőtt már adtam neki egy esélyt, de akkor elbuktam. Nem hittem, hogy bármi is ki fog sülni belőle, így félbehagytam.

De ebben az évben adtam neki mg egy esélyt. És működött!

Abban biztos voltam, hogy nem akarom megcsinálni az ezredik városépített képet, úgyhogy elhatároztam, valamit alakítok rajta és monocrome quiltként készítem el. Ehhez festettem is anyagokat Colombussal (a fekete és a szürke összes árnyalatát használtam, az acélszürkéből viszont barna lett, így azt kihagytam).

Egyedi quiltet akartam csinálni, így fektetett képpel próbálkoztam, de az volt, ami nem működött, így az idén maradtam az állóképnél.

A szabályos formákat használtam, de hozzáadtam egy sziklát és a világítótornyot. A kerítéseket és tetőket próbáltam variálni. Átlátszó cérnával tűztem, ami egyébként trükkös mutatvány volt, hiszen a 2oldalasom megadta magát, így tűzés közben szabadon repkedtek az alkatrészek… Úgyhogy egy kézzel mozgattam a képet a gép alatt, míg a másikkal a röpködő darabkákat próbáltam elkapkodni és visszatenni a helyére…. Izzasztó volt (különösen, mert már éjszaka lett, mire idáig jutottam..)

Tudtam, hogy valami extra keretet akarok neki adni (Ismertek, mindig variálok valamit…), így a kulcslyuk mellett döntöttem. Most olyan, mintha egy kulcslyukon keresztül szemlélnéd a várost… Szerintetek is?

(Terveim vannak vele, de mivel még semmi konkrét… egyelőre nem is árulok el többet… majd talán később….)

The true story of Eli's bag

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I went to a patchwork camp as I mentioned before. As we were planning the trip to Bulgaria with my B I decided to make something for my friend (now she is our friend) as a little gift when we visit her.

One day we made a bag in the camp and it seemed just the perfect idea... The technique is called crazy which absolutely fits Eli and me (at least the name :D).

So I decided to ask her about her favourite colour (and I was happy to sew something else as orange, as this bag was not for me). When she answered: orange I was just laughing and found several pieces of fabric to take to the camp with me.

On the bag sewing day I started with the crazy pattern after redesigning Évi's pattern (sorry dear, you know I cannot behave properly...) as it should have been a little bag and I wanted to make a bit better one, not only for theatre but everyday use.

I started with the crazy part. I really did not want to make it total orange, I thouht it would be better to combine it with another colour (green) to fit it with Eli's clothes (the ones I saw in Barcelona when we met).

But that was the moment I realized I forgot the green fabric at home... As a solution I went into the centre of Karcag to find green fabric (in THE fabric shop of the town). The shop was closed that day but I really wanted something good, so with two friends we went into a clothes shop and found something green. It was an embroidered blouse which I cut into pieces and sewed into the bag.

Unfortunately I was not able to finish it in the camp but I worked on in at home where I added some fabric I wanted to use (originally).
The hand sewn part was forgotten (as I am always silly in timing), so I had to finish it in the car on the way to Bulgaria the next weekend. And I could finish it just on time: at the Bulgarian border. Here it is:
Enjoy the bag, Eli! :D

Patch is on her way..../Patch úton...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trying to post, but busy with holiday...(In Hungarian now on the patchonplane blog) /Próbálok írni, de nagyon lefoglal a nyaralás... (ezúttal magyarul a patchonplane blogon)

My fairy quilt Godmother

Sunday, July 17, 2011

There is a game on www.paperpanache.com. You have to make choices and finally you get your personal Fairy Quilt Godmother's pattern which you can sew.
Yesterday as I read this game I immediately became interested and made my choices. As I got the pattern I sterted sewing and yes, she is here (she is quite ugly not as nice as the young fairies are, but at least this way I can be a bit more self-confident..:D)

I missed a wart of her nose (ugly fairies need a wart) so I added that as an extra. The name was created by the programme, Boutiqmina... This makes me think she is shopaholic (maybe fabrics??).

And I am off to a patchwork camp, so hopefully I will have a lot of things to show you a bit later!

Finishing my exams...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Finishing my exams made me extremely happy (of course) and able to sew again.... After making my navy bag (posted 2 weeks ago) I decided to continue this topic (navy style) and made a little purse (the previous one is useless as the zip broke but I really hate splitting...). This was a quick success for me and I used only the remains of the bag... not a single new piece, except the white zip. :)

It is good to have them together as the weather is usually like in autumn or early spring (rainy and grey) so I can have a little summer at least in my bag.

And summer has surely started for me, too.....

Hey, threads and fabric! Wait! I am coming!!!

A cake and an eye

Monday, July 4, 2011

It is the story of last week, but it is only funny from a certain distance, so I am blogging it out today. Last week my dear colleagues had a new house party for which I decided to make their house from cake. I found some photos, made some plans in secret and started to bake on a calm Saturday night just to be able to finish it for Sunday evening (I nearly failed). I had to start with buying trays for the cake... It was a looong way.

The house turned out to be a very complicated o
ne, so I had to be tricky. I just baked and baked and finally made some fondant...

Just to help you imagine how big this cake was some facts:
24 eggs
750 g chestnut puree
700 ml cream
a whole box of cocoa powder
600 ml sour cream
1.5 kg caster sugar (yeah, fondant!)
and a lot of other things....
It was not that bad at the end, altough it really hated to travel, so one of its walls started to give up by the time we got to their place.
They were very happy with it and the guests liked the cake, so I came home happily with the feeling I had something in my eye. I tried to wash it or see what was inside, but I failed and saw nothing. I just closed it and fell asleep. I woke up in the morning with a scream. The thing was still in it, making the morning horrible. After trying to find it somehow or pick it out I finally went to the doctor and was informed that a piece of a toothpick (with which I put the roof to the cake) was in my right eye. ... The best news 2 days before my state exam. I could hardly study... Yeah, a horrible end for a succesful cake... (Now everything is OK, the exam is over.... it is only a story now...)

Finally :D

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yay! After finishing my exams (nearly... the last state exam is the only one to pass....) I tried to relax a bit with SEWING!

What a beautiful weekend it was! (next Sunday was the day to finish "Sewing in head" and starting to make my plans real.....)

I had some white fabric and I bought a huge bedcover last year (the blue)... And my fingers were sooooo excited to draw something...

I LOVE blue and white together. Plus in May I saw in Spain that navy is the fashion of this summer. This is the time to sew my navy bag!

I started with the bottom of my bag and drew a little bit...

Then I made the sides of blue and white stripes...

Finally I added the top blue part, I drew some life buoys, put the hadles and added the little bow.
Here is my brand new summer navy bag! I am sooo ha
ppy with it! I hope you like it, too.

Patch on plane

Friday, April 29, 2011

Patch is going to fly again... You can (hopefully) follow her to Barcelona on the other blog (in Hungarian)...

Patch megint utazik, ezúttal Barcelonába megy, és a másik blogon (remélhetőleg) követhető lesz majd magyarul...


Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

This Easter is basicly about typing my essays and things, but ....

But I could not imagine Easter without a little tiny piece of decoration. As I had no time, I asked my B to buy some little tiny flowers to have spring feeling... So went together and bought some... They were just greenies and didn't seem to be real 'decorations' but by the next morning I saw all the little ones blooming:

I gave myself a free day which we spent together with family. We baked a cake with my Mum, I wanted to teach her the fondant thing, so I decorated the cake there and we put it to the Easter Dinner Table.
This was the first time for me to make 3D figures, so the bunnies are not perfect at all, but I was satisfied (I had to try my new Wilton dyes...the green and purple) with the sleepy bunny... It was not a planned design, just started to decorate and the cake turned out like this:

Happy Easter to you all! What do you do at Easter?

Blue cake

Sunday, April 17, 2011

There is a play (a tale with looooots of music) written by two Hungarian authors, Muszty Bea and Dobay András. This play is going to be performed tomorrow by my little Drama Group (11 year olds). The title of it is : The Blue Magic Cake (A kék csodatorta), so I certainly made a blue cake as a premiere present for my kids.

I hope they are going to be fantastic tomorrow, will play and sing wonderfully.

Here is the cake:

From Alpha to Omega

Thursday, April 14, 2011

This was how my day started (the beautiful view from my bed)

And this was how it is ended (my finished thesis)



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My March-task was to organise the school celebration for the Hungarian national day. We had a very busy month with my colleague and my students, but it was a great job. We had four 'performances' and all went well (very well - I was soooooo prud of them) , so I decided to make a cake for my students and mini cakes for my colleagues (you can wee the first one in the picture).

Sorry, I know it is not sewing, but I really do not want a dead blog.

Thanks for Kiskukta (you can see her blog in my bloglist) for the inspiration and the recipe of the dough. :)

My students' cake:

One of the mini cakes:


Sunday, February 13, 2011

The last biiiiiiiig rush (=my last term) at uni, so sewing will be forgotten for some months. No pictures, no designs...

The only thing I will have: 'sewing in my head', but if I will be lucky enough to create I am going to write.

If you have good or funny stories about sewing/hobbies/families, please come and write to me in comments. That would be nice to have some funny things around during the huuuuuuuge work.

And I really do not want this place to be empty for a long time. Let's have fun together!

Christmas summary 2010

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

...after a Happy Xmas. I mean, hopefully it will be a HAPPY New Year. Let's have a look at the Christmas pictures. As I had a rest without my laptop (it was amaizing and fantastic to live without Internet for some days) I have lots of pictures to show. But as I really do not want to make you bored I made a little collection of the most important ones.

First of all my Avent Calendar which I got from kaz (thank you so much) from Aussieland. This is the opened version: all the great stuff together:

And this is the last and main handmade present:

Here are the pressies from E and A, my dear friends from the UK. It was a big surprise and a big laugh (when we opened them with B). They were beautifully wrapped (I really did not want to open them at first, but I was toooooo curious):

And here is the cheesecake I made for Christmas dinner with passionfruit and blueberries. I think it was yummi:

I hope you also had Great Holidays!